Foundation and Continuing Obedience
for Puppies & Adult Dogs
YESTERDAY... you brought home the sweetest dog in the world!
TODAY... reality surfaces. The dog needs training... and so do you!
Get your dog started off on the right paw!
Training builds a consistent language for communication, trust, a bond, and teamwork that will flow into every part of your dog's life as it grows and matures. At Foothill Fido, we help you and your dog learn that language, the manners and good behaviors, basic commands and stability in new environments using methods that motivate the dog to want to learn. We expose the dog to everyday situations, obstacles, surfaces and sounds, that help it build confidence and learn to adapt to new environments. Every dog is different. Therefore, training needs to be flexible and at a level appropriate to each dog's age, needs, personality and breed.
We offer Foundation Manners & Obedience and AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy® classes. The most important starting point for any pup, and the relationship between dog and owner!
Continuing Manners & Obedience and AKC Canine Good Citizenship® (CGC) certification classes - young and adult dogs continue to add layers of skills to their foundation manners and obedience, and begin preparing for the AKC CGC® tests and titles. Dogs that learn these skills forge a deeper bond with their owner and family, and these skills makes them welcome in their community.
There are three CGC certifications: Good Citizen, Community Advanced and Urban. Testing for all three levels is available.
~ Customized Training for Your Dog
~ Foundation Manners & Obedience and AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy® classes
~ Continuing Manners & Obedience and AKC CGC® (Canine Good Citizen) certifications: Basic, Advanced and Urban
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